What's New

Board Meeting Summary

MTA Board Meetings

MTA Board of Director meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the first Wednesday of at least every other month (at least for now, meetings are held via online video), with special meetings held on an as-needed basis as required by the organization's needs. Non-board members are welcome to attend; please email info@montclairtennis.org for details and an invite.

Every December, MTA holds an annual General Membership Meeting, where we recap the outgoing year, look forward to the next year, and accept nominations for and then vote in the next year's MTA Board of Directors.

General Membership Meeting

At their November 2024 meeting, the 2024 Board of Directors voted on the

following nomination slate for 2025: 

Thank you to our incoming 2025 Board of Directors!

President: Susan Goodman;

 Vice President: Warren Garrison; 

Secretary: Bruce Williams;

Treasurer: Kenny Goodman;

 Webmaster: Warren Garrison; 

Events Commissioner: Kenny Goodman; 

Membership Chair: Kevin Stewart; 

Archivists: Warren Garrison and Bruce Williams;

 Hot Courts Coordinators: Christine Kizziah and Kevin Hill;

 Parking Lot Chairperson: Rendell Camacho; 

At-Large: Larry Cucci, Stan Hebert, Wayne Lippman

January 8 2025 BOD Meeting

Parking Lot - Compass will end their contract at the end of January. Rendell will work with Vanguard regarding a new contract. The rate per space  will be the same at $90 each

Hot Courts - 6 to 8 players each week

The Holiday Party was a great success Many Thanks to Hans for years of organization!

Court Resurfacing - Wayne is investigating possible grants or help from USTA

Susan has requested that the Hot Courts coordinators update the Bulletin Board

Kenny reported a small leak in the shed roof. A piece of plywood has been placed as a tempoary fix. He and Larry will review possible fixes.

Susan moved to remove the COVID requirements from our registration which passed 6-0


Bruce Williams Secretary